Thursday, June 4, 2020

30mm Fife and Drum Miniatures

Well its been way to long between posts, so no one may ever see this.... but I wanted to show off some of my American War of Independence troops I'm painting up, amazing figures by Fife and Drum Miniatures. If you are into AWI war games, these figures are amazing, super clean, and paint up pretty easy.

Above is the 71st Foot.
An image of the full unit.
Above image are of Hessian Troops, nice pose and the proportions of all the figures in the Fife and Drum range are life like.
 A bit closer image of the Hessian troops show above. My Iphone images are not as good as I would like. 
The picture directly  above is Continental Infantry, show loading and shooting. Again really nice poses and great proportions. 

I am working on some rules to use with these, I may post them here once I get them sorted out. 
So there you go, some good images of some 30mm AWI, I highly recommend picking these up!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Andalusian and Almohad Medieval Battle

Just two of the images from an epic battle.  The Andalusian's managed to edge out a win, but it came down to the last combats to decide the matter.

20mm Plastic HaT figures for the most part. Sorry the image is blurry.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

So a few months ago, my friend Ethan and I decided, after some discussions to invest in some of Pico Armor's 3mm Napoleonic figures.  We already have plenty of stuff in15mm, and other scales. So why the switch to this scale? Well, for one thing, its quite impressive to get a look at that massed quality you get from such a small scale. You can show units in various formations, and they them look like a serious mass. Another positive is that you can quickly paint up massive armies, and they don't take up a huge amount of space, plus you can put on large battles in a fairly small space. On the negative side is the lack of detail, and normal sort of pageantry you'd see in just about any other scale including 6mm on up.  That said, you need to paint the unit, not so much the individual figure. Which in 3mm, is about impossible to detail much.  We've been using the Polemos Napoleonic Rules from Baccus 6mm.  Do they look cool? You can see for youself...

French Line Infantry 

French Heavy Cavalry 

Austrian Line Infantry 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Working on Vikings and Saxons...

This next few months going to be painting up a Viking and Saxon army to use with the Saga rules.  Our group has not played them yet, and I'm leading the charge to use these with our group.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Some of the awesome Sash and Saber 40mm.  I'm working on this collection of Napoleonic 40mm to put together either a skirmish level game, or a brigade level, depending on scale of game I want to run.  Also depends on how many figures I decide to collect.   Enjoy the images....

More updates to follow...

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Welcome to my wargame blog...

Welcome to Miniature Wargames Central!

A place to see and hear about the comings and goings on of a gaming group located in central Michigan, in the Lansing area.  I will be posting pictures, events, summaries of games that have happened, current projects, and other musing as I get time to post them up.

If you would like to join the group, for war games in the Lansing Michigan area, please feel free contact me!

I will be posting some projects in process too. Check back soon!

Current projects include Sash and Saber 40mm Vikings and Saxons, Sash and Saber 40mm Napoleonic, Baccus 6mm Pike and Shot, as well as 3mm WW 2, and Napoleonic's from Pico Armor. I  have figures in most every scale.

Some favorite manufacturers, please check them out. Just copy and paste into your browser to see what they have on offer.

So have a look around and enjoy!

Image is an Albrecht Durer print, colorized by yours truly with photoshop.