Thursday, April 30, 2015

So a few months ago, my friend Ethan and I decided, after some discussions to invest in some of Pico Armor's 3mm Napoleonic figures.  We already have plenty of stuff in15mm, and other scales. So why the switch to this scale? Well, for one thing, its quite impressive to get a look at that massed quality you get from such a small scale. You can show units in various formations, and they them look like a serious mass. Another positive is that you can quickly paint up massive armies, and they don't take up a huge amount of space, plus you can put on large battles in a fairly small space. On the negative side is the lack of detail, and normal sort of pageantry you'd see in just about any other scale including 6mm on up.  That said, you need to paint the unit, not so much the individual figure. Which in 3mm, is about impossible to detail much.  We've been using the Polemos Napoleonic Rules from Baccus 6mm.  Do they look cool? You can see for youself...

French Line Infantry 

French Heavy Cavalry 

Austrian Line Infantry 

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